Sunday, October 14, 2012

Download Android Apps (.APK Files) from Google Play on PC

Android Market (Now, Google Play) has plenty of Applications both Paid and Free which add Fun and Simplicity to your Android experience. However, downloading Applications on Phone can be a real trouble, specially if you have a slow data connection.
There is no way provided by Google to download applications on the Computer. But, a simple trick can do the Job. You’ll be able to download Apps. from Google Play directly to your computer and then transfer to your phone. Just follow the following steps to do the job:
You need Chrome browser to do the trick. If you don’t already have it, download and install it from here.
  1. Open Chrome browser and install the APK Downloader Extension (Latest stable version is 1.2.1 which supports the new Google Play).
  2. Right click on the Google Chrome icon on your desktop and Choose Properties.
  3. Choose Shortcuts tab and add  --ignore-certificate-errors --allow-running-insecure-content at the end  of Target box and click OK/Apply. Note that you need to leave a space after chrome.exe(See Fig. Below)
    Chrome ignore certificate errors
  4. Close Chrome and Restart using the shortcut at the desktop.
  5. Open the Extension’s options page and fill up all the details. You will need the Device ID app. to find your Android device ID.
  6. Now, go to Google Play and further to the Application page of the App. you want to Download.
  7. Click the APK icon in your Address Bar to start downloading the application to your PC (See Fig. Below).
    Android APK download PC
Please note that you can only download Free Apps using the Extension. It won’t show the download link for Paid Apps. You can find more info on how to use the Extension at the APK Downloader Extension’sOfficial Post.

Note: Please try at Your own risk i am not responsible to any problems

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