Thursday, June 14, 2012

Run Android Apps on your Windows 7 PC

A company named BlueStacks has created a program that emulates the Android OS letting users and developers run Android Apps, smoothly on their Windows PC. Of course you would greatly up your user experience if you are on a computer with touchscreen display. Nevertheless it’s a cool new way to integrate your different OS’s and gadgets.
At preset BlueStacks offer 10 Android Apps pre-installed and a direct link to their own “app Store”. The application is said to ” integrate seamlessly with Citrix and Microsoft software delivery infrastructure and with Citrix’s Enterprise App Store”. BlueStacks currently offer a free version only, but a PRO version is imminent, offering more usability than just fun and games.
The only downside I have seen thus far is that you need to have a Facebook account to log into their app-store.
 Check it out here!
download64 Run Android Apps on your Windows 7 PC

Download BlueStacks